Isi kandungan:
- 15 Topeng Rambut Berkesan Untuk Kelemumur
- 1. Yogurt, Madu, dan Lemon Mask
- 2. Bilas Rambut Minyak Esensial Teh Hijau Dan Pudina
- 3. Pek Rambut Hibiscus Dan Fenugreek
- 4. Pisang, Madu, Lemon, Dan Minyak Zaitun
- 5. Avocado Hair Mask For Dandruff
- 7. Egg And Yogurt Hair Mask For Dandruff
- 8. Fenugreek Hair Mask For Dandruff
- 9. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Mask For Dandruff
- 10. Egg Yolk And Olive Oil Hair Mask For Dandruff
- 11. Aloe Vera Hair Mask For Dandruff
- 12. Mayonnaise Hair Mask For Dandruff
- 13. Onion Hair Mask For Dandruff
- 14. Garlic And Honey Hair Mask
- 15. Yogurt, Tea Tree Oil, And Olive Oil Hair Mask
- 17 sumber
Kelemumur boleh menjadi kesakitan! Sebilangan besar orang yang berurusan dengannya hanya boleh keluar dari bilik mandi hanya agar kepala anda gatal lima minit kemudian. Kulit kepala anda terasa semakin teruk, dan kadang kala anda tidak tahu sama ada ia kering atau berminyak. Tidak ketinggalan, ia menjadikan rambut anda kelihatan kusam dan tidak bermaya.
Walaupun terdapat banyak syampu dan produk yang dikatakan melawan kelemumur, lebih kerap daripada itu, bahan kimia di dalamnya tidak baik untuk rambut anda. Tetapi teka apa? Ada sesuatu yang dapat mengatasi masalah ini dan baik untuk topeng rambut - rambut anda.
Topeng rambut dapat menyuburkan dan menyejukkan rambut anda sambil menghilangkan kelemumur. Mereka melakukan ini dengan menangani masalah mendasar yang menyebabkan kulit kepala anda mengelupas sejak awal. Kami telah mengumpulkan senarai 15 topeng rambut yang dapat membantu anda mengatasi kelemumur.
15 Topeng Rambut Berkesan Untuk Kelemumur
1. Yogurt, Madu, dan Lemon Mask
Asid sitrik dalam jus lemon dapat membantu menyesuaikan pH rambut anda (1). Yogurt dapat membantu memperbaiki kerosakan rambut dan menguruskan rambut anda (2). Aplikasi topikal madu dapat membantu memperbaiki keadaan seperti kelemumur dan dermatitis seborrheic (3).
Anda perlu
- 1/2 cawan yogurt
- 1 sudu besar jus lemon
- 1 sudu besar madu
Masa pemprosesan
- 30 minit
- Campurkan semua bahan dalam mangkuk sehingga anda mendapat campuran yang halus.
- Sapukan campuran ini ke rambut anda, bermula dari akar dan lakukan hingga ke petua.
- Setelah kulit kepala dan rambut anda ditutup sepenuhnya pada topeng, tunggu selama 30 minit.
- Basuh topeng rambut dengan syampu bebas sulfat ringan.
Berapa kerap?
- Sekali atau dua kali seminggu.
2. Bilas Rambut Minyak Esensial Teh Hijau Dan Pudina
Teh hijau menunjukkan kesan antijamur dan dapat membantu menyingkirkan kulat Malasezzia yang menyebabkan kelemumur (4). Minyak pati pudina memberikan kesan penyejukan dan membantu menghilangkan kelemumur (5). Cuka yang dibilas membantu mengimbangi pH kulit kepala dan pengeluaran minyak.
Anda perlu
- 1 cawan teh hijau
- 2-3 titis minyak pati pudina
- 1 sudu teh cuka putih
Masa pemprosesan
- 5 minit
- Satukan bahan-bahan dalam kendi dan ketepikan.
- Bilas rambut anda di bawah air yang mengalir dan kemudian tuangkan teh hijau bilas di dalamnya.
- Biarkan bilas selama 5 minit sambil mengurut kulit kepala anda.
- Basuh rambut anda dengan syampu dan keadaan bebas sulfat ringan.
Berapa kerap?
- Sekali seminggu.
3. Pek Rambut Hibiscus Dan Fenugreek
Daun bunga raya telah digunakan untuk merawat keadaan kulit kepala seperti kelemumur sejak zaman kuno (6). Minyak rambut herba poli yang merangkumi ekstrak bunga raya didapati menunjukkan potensi aktiviti anti kelemumur (7). Pasta biji Fenugreek bukan sahaja dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut tetapi juga merawat kelemumur (8).
Anda perlu
- 10-12 daun bunga raya
- 1 sudu besar biji fenugreek
- 1/2 cawan yogurt
Masa pemprosesan
- 30 minit
- Rendam satu sudu biji fenugreek semalaman dalam secawan air.
- Pada waktu pagi, kisar biji fenugreek dengan daun bunga raya.
- Masukkan setengah cawan yogurt ke dalam campuran dan kacau sehingga anda mendapat pes yang halus dan konsisten.
- Sapukan pek rambut ini ke rambut anda, bermula dari akarnya dan lakukan hingga ke petua.
- Setelah kulit kepala dan rambut anda ditutup sepenuhnya pada topeng, tunggu selama 30 minit.
- Basuh topeng rambut dengan syampu bebas sulfat ringan.
Berapa kerap?
- 2-3 kali seminggu.
4. Pisang, Madu, Lemon, Dan Minyak Zaitun
Ini adalah topeng yang sangat baik untuk orang yang mempunyai rambut kering. Pisang dapat membantu menguruskan rambut dan mengawal kelemumur (9). Minyak zaitun dapat membantu menjadikan rambut anda lembut dan menguatkannya (2). Asid sitrik dalam jus lemon dapat membantu menyeimbangkan pH rambut anda (1). Madu dapat membantu mengurangkan kelemumur (3).
Anda perlu
- 2 biji pisang masak
- 1 sudu besar madu
- 1 sudu minyak zaitun
- 1 sudu besar jus lemon
Masa pemprosesan
- 30 minit
- Hancurkan dua pisang masak ke dalam mangkuk sehingga anda memperoleh pes bebas gumpalan.
- Tambahkan satu sudu minyak zaitun, madu, dan jus lemon (masing-masing) ke pisang tumbuk. Gaul rata untuk mendapatkan pes yang konsisten.
- Sapukan ini pada kulit kepala dan rambut anda dan biarkan selama 30 minit.
- Wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
- Once a week.
5. Avocado Hair Mask For Dandruff
Avocados are rich in antioxidants that help maintain scalp health. This deep conditioning mask soothes the scalp and restores luster to hair (2). Olive oil softens your hair and strengthens it.
You Will Need
- 1 ripe avocado
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
Processing Time
- 45 minutes
- Mash a ripe avocado with a fork in a bowl until it is completely free of lumps.
- Add two tablespoons each of honey and olive oil to the mashed avocado. Mix until well combined.
- Apply this hair pack to your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips.
- Once your scalp and hair are entirely covered in the mask, wait for 45 minutes.
- Wash the hair mask off with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
- Once a week.
6. Coconut Oil For Dandruff
Coconut oil has shown to help relieve mild to moderate atopic dermatitis (10). Hence, it may also help in getting rid of dandruff. Coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft easily and reduces hair damage (11).
You Will Need
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil
Processing Time
- 45 minutes
- Heat coconut oil until it is slightly warm.
- Start massaging the warm coconut oil into your scalp with your fingertips.
- Massage your scalp for about 10-15 minutes, and once your whole scalp is covered, work the rest of the oil into your hair.
- Wait for an additional 30 minutes with the oil in your hair.
- After the 30 minutes have passed, wash the oil out with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
- 1-2 times a week.
7. Egg And Yogurt Hair Mask For Dandruff
Eggs and yogurt provide your scalp with the nourishment and moisture it needs (2). If you have mild dandruff, a little extra conditioning and nourishment are all it takes to tackle the problem.
You Will Need
- 2 egg whites (oily hair)/ 2 egg yolks (dry hair)/ 1 whole egg (normal hair)
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 cup yogurt
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Processing Time
- 20 minutes
- In a bowl, whisk the ingredients until you get a consistent mixture.
- Apply this hair pack to your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips.
- Once your scalp and hair are entirely covered in the mask, wait for 20 minutes.
- Wash the hair mask off with a mild sulfate-free shampoo. Ensure that you use cool water to rinse your hair as hot/warm water can ‘cook’ the egg.
How Often?
- Once a week.
8. Fenugreek Hair Mask For Dandruff
Fenugreek is one of the most common remedies for dandruff. It has strong antifungal properties that boost scalp health and tackle dandruff (8).
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons fenugreek seeds
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Processing Time
- 30 minutes
- Soak four tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
- In the morning, blend the seeds with water to get a smooth paste.
- Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to this paste.
- Apply this hair pack to your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips.
- Once your scalp and hair are entirely covered in the mask, wait for 30 minutes.
- Wash the hair mask off with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
- Once a week.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Mask For Dandruff
Apple cider vinegar can help in not only reducing dandruff but also cleansing your scalp and hair of product build-up (2). It also balances the pH levels of the scalp.
You Will Need
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 cup water
Processing Time
- 15 minutes
- Combine water and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle.
- Spritz the solution all over your hair and scalp and wait for 15 minutes.
- Wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and condition.
How Often?
- Twice a week.
10. Egg Yolk And Olive Oil Hair Mask For Dandruff
Egg yolk contains fatty acids and vitamin A that keeps your hair shiny while preventing dandruff (2). Olive oil, on the other hair, helps condition your hair and also contributes towards maintaining scalp health.
You Will Need
- 2 egg yolks
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
Processing Time
- 1 hour
- Whisk the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Apply this hair pack to your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips.
- Once your scalp and hair are entirely covered in the mask, wait for an hour.
- Wash the hair mask off with a mild sulfate-free shampoo. Use cool/lukewarm water to rinse your hair.
How Often?
1-2 times a week.
11. Aloe Vera Hair Mask For Dandruff
Aloe vera was found to be effective in relieving seborrheic dermatitis, a condition that can cause stubborn dandruff (12). It also has antifungal properties that can help in treating dandruff (13).
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons pure aloe vera gel
- 2-3 drops eucalyptus essential oil
Processing Time
- 30 minutes-1 hour
- Combine four tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel with two to three drops of eucalyptus oil.
- Apply this hair pack, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips. Make sure to focus on your scalp.
- Once your scalp and hair are entirely covered in the mask, wait for 30 minutes to an hour.
- Rinse the hair mask off under cool/lukewarm running water.
How Often?
- 2-3 times a week.
12. Mayonnaise Hair Mask For Dandruff
The sour curd and aloe vera in this hair mask efficiently tackle dandruff, while the mayonnaise moisturizes your hair. Mayonnaise can also help in maintaining scalp health because of its vinegar content.
You Will Need
- 1/2 cup sour curd
- 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
- 2 tablespoons aloe vera
Processing Time
- 1 hour
- Combine all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Apply this hair pack to your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips.
- Once your scalp and hair are entirely covered in the mask, wait for an hour.
- Wash the hair mask off with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
- 1-2 times a week.
13. Onion Hair Mask For Dandruff
Onion has antifungal properties (14). These properties can help in getting rid of the dandruff-causing fungus. Onion juice was also found to encourage hair growth (15).
You Will Need
- 1 large onion
Processing Time
- 1 hour
- Blend a large onion until you get a smooth, consistent paste.
- Apply this paste to your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the tips.
- Once your scalp and hair are entirely covered in the mask, wait for an hour.
- Wash the hair mask off with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
- Once a week.
14. Garlic And Honey Hair Mask
Garlic has been used for ages to treat dandruff (16). Honey can not only condition your hair but also help in improving dandruff (3).
You Will Need
- 6 garlic cloves
- 7 tablespoons honey
Processing Time
- 10 minutes
- Crush six garlic cloves in a bowl and let it sit for 10 minutes.
- After 10 minutes have passed, add seven tablespoons of honey and mix the two ingredients.
- Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair and leave it in for about 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse the hair mask out and wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
- Once a week.
15. Yogurt, Tea Tree Oil, And Olive Oil Hair Mask
Research shows that tea tree oil is effective in the treatment of dandruff and helps in cooling the itchiness and redness of the scalp (17). Yogurt and olive oil can condition your hair (2). This pack works well for all hair types. But if you have natural oil hair, limit using it to once a week.
You Will Need
- 4-5 drops of tea tree oil
- 1 tablespoon of yogurt
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
For The Tea Tree Rinse
- 8-10 drops of tea tree oil
- A cup of water
Processing Time
- 5- 10 minutes
- Mix the ingredients until the paste is smooth.
- Sapukan dengan teliti pada rambut anda dari akar hingga petua..
- Urut kulit kepala anda selama kira-kira 5 hingga 10 minit.
- Teruskan selama kira-kira satu jam.
- Basuh dengan syampu.
- Tambahkan 8-10 tetes minyak pokok teh ke dalam secawan air.
- Basuh rambut anda bilas akhir dengan campuran ini.
Berapa kerap?
- Sekali seminggu.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai cara merawat kelemumur menggunakan ubat rumah, lihat video ini!
Kelemumur sukar ditangani, tetapi sedikit tambahan TLC dan menggunakan pek rambut anti kelemumur ini dapat membuat semua perbezaan.
17 sumber
Stylecraze mempunyai garis panduan sumber yang ketat dan bergantung pada kajian yang dikaji oleh rakan sebaya, institusi penyelidikan akademik, dan persatuan perubatan. Kami mengelakkan penggunaan rujukan tersier. Anda boleh mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai bagaimana kami memastikan kandungan kami tepat dan terkini dengan membaca dasar editorial kami.- Shampoos And Conditioners: What A Dermatologist Should Know, Indian Journal Of Dermatology, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Ethnopharmacological survey of home remedies used for treatment of hair and scalp and their methods of preparation in the West Bank-Palestine, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Therapeutic and prophylactic effects of crude honey on chronic seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, European Journal of Medical Research, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Treatment Of Atopic Dermatitis Associated With Malassezia Sympodialis By Green Tea Extracts Bath Therapy: A Pilot Study, Mycobiology, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- A Review On Peppermint Oil, Asian Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research, ResearchGate.
- Rosa Sinensis (Hibiscus)- A Versatile Indian Origin Plant, Journal Of Chemical And Pharmaceutical Sciences.
- Evaluation OF Anti-Dandruff Activity Of Poly Herbal Hair Oil Against The Fungus Malassezia Furfur, Journal Of Biotechnology And Biochemistry.,%20Issue%201/Version-1/A0501010106.pdf
- Effectiveness Of Fenugreek Seed Paste On Dandruff Among Adolescent Girls In Selected Women’s Hostel, Coimbatore, International Journal Of Nursing Education And Research.
- Traditional And Medicinal Uses Of Banana, Journal Of Pharmacognosy And Phytochemistry.
- The Effect Of Topical Virgin Coconut Oil On SCORAD index, Transepidermal Water Loss, And Skin Capacitance In Mild To Moderate Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Clinical Trial, International Journal Of Dermatology, Wiley Online Library.
- Effect Of Mineral Oil, Sunflower Oil And Coconut Oil On Prevention Of Hair Damage, Journal Of Cosmetic Science, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- A Double- Blinde, Placebo- Controlled Trial Of An Aloe vera (A.Barbadensis) Emulsion In The Treatment Of Seborrheic Dermatitis, Journal Of Dermatological Treatment, Taylor and Francis Online.
- The Review On Properties Of Alor Vera In Healing Of Cutaneous Wounds, BioMed Research International, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- A Comparison Of The Antifungal Properties Of Onion (Allium Cepa), Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) And garlic (Allium Sativum) Against Apsergillus Flavus, Aspergillus Niger And Cladosporium Herbarum. Res, Research Journal Of Medicinal Plant, ResearchGate.
- Onion Juice (Allium Cepa. L) A New Topical Treatment For Alopecia, Journal Of Dermatology, ResearchGate.
- Extracts From The history And Medical Properties Of Garlic, Pharmacognosy Reviews, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Treatment Of Dandruff With 5% Tea tree Oil Shampoo, Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.