Isi kandungan:
- Apa Manfaat Kesihatan Terung?
- 1. Boleh Menggalakkan Kesihatan Jantung
- 2. Boleh Mengawal Tahap Gula Darah
- 3. Boleh Mengurangkan Risiko Kanser
- 4. Boleh Meningkatkan Fungsi Kognitif
- 5. Boleh Menurunkan Berat Badan
- 6. Boleh Menggalakkan Kesihatan Mata
- 7. Boleh Meningkatkan Kesihatan Tulang
- 8. Boleh Membantu Mengubati Anemia
- 9. Boleh Mencegah Kecacatan Kelahiran
- 10. Boleh Meningkatkan Kesihatan Kulit
- Fakta Pemakanan Terung
- What Is The Best Way To Prepare An Eggplant?
- Recipes
- 1. Crispy Baked Eggplant
- Ingredients
- Procedure
- 2. Eggplant Spirals With Greek Yogurt, Tomatoes, And Cucumber Recipe
- Ingredients
- For The Eggplant Rolls
- Procedure
- For The Eggplant Rolls
- Ways To Eat Eggplant
- Are There Any Risks?
- Conclusion
- Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
- 26 sources
Terung ( Solanum melongena ) juga disebut brinjal atau aubergine. Ia berasal dari keluarga tumbuh-tumbuhan malam. Ia kaya dengan serat dan rendah kalori.
Terung tersedia dalam berbagai warna, saiz, dan varieti. Sayuran ini (secara teknis buah) juga mengandungi vitamin, mineral, dan antioksidan yang membantu meningkatkan kesihatan jantung, mengawal kadar gula dalam darah, mengurangkan risiko barah, meningkatkan fungsi kognitif, dan membantu menurunkan berat badan.
Dalam artikel ini, kami telah membincangkan faedah kesihatan terung secara terperinci, bersama dengan kemungkinan kesan sampingannya. Teruskan membaca.
Apa Manfaat Kesihatan Terung?
1. Boleh Menggalakkan Kesihatan Jantung
Terung dikatakan mempunyai sifat antioksidan yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kesihatan jantung (1).
Kajian yang dijalankan oleh University of Connecticut School of Medicine mendapati bahawa terung mentah dan masak mempunyai sifat kardioprotektif. Nasunin, komponen polifenolik pada terung, bermanfaat untuk jantung (2).
Kajian lain yang dilakukan pada arnab hiperkolesterolemia (kolesterol tinggi) mendapati bahawa jus terung dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol plasma dan aorta (3). Juga, pengambilan terung setiap hari dapat mengawal tekanan darah tinggi pada individu yang mengalami tekanan (4).
2. Boleh Mengawal Tahap Gula Darah
Terung adalah sumber serat yang kaya dan rendah karbohidrat larut. Ia dapat membantu mengatur kadar gula dalam darah dan mengawal penyerapan glukosa. Kajian in vitro pada terung mendapati bahawa fenolik dalam sayur ini bertindak sebagai penghambat enzim yang terlibat dengan diabetes jenis 2
Kajian yang dilakukan oleh Institut Pemakanan Manusia Jerman mendapati bahawa pengambilan serat makanan dan kesan metaboliknya dapat membantu mencegah diabetes. Serat dapat melambatkan penyerapan gula dan mengawal kadar gula dalam darah (6).
Polifenol dalam terung dapat membantu mengawal kadar gula dalam darah (7).
3. Boleh Mengurangkan Risiko Kanser
Ekstrak yang terdapat dalam kulit terung kaya dengan solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides (SRGs). Sebatian ini mempunyai sifat melawan kanser dan dapat membantu merawat barah kulit (8). Kajian yang dilakukan oleh Penyelidikan Perubatan Australasian mendapati bahawa SRG boleh menyebabkan kematian sel barah (9).
Kajian lain yang dilakukan oleh University of Queensland mendapati bahawa campuran glikosida solasodin telah terbukti berkesan dalam rawatan tumor kulit manusia yang ganas dan jinak (10).
4. Boleh Meningkatkan Fungsi Kognitif
Fitonutrien pada terung dapat melindungi membran sel otak dari kerosakan. Mereka juga dapat memfasilitasi pemindahan mesej dari satu sel ke sel yang lain, sehingga memelihara fungsi memori.
Radikal bebas di otak mungkin bertanggung jawab untuk degenerasi saraf, Alzheimer, dan demensia. Nasunin, antioksidan kuat dalam kulit terung, dapat menghambat masalah saraf dengan membersihkan radikal bebas ini. Ini meningkatkan fungsi otak dan mengurangkan risiko penyakit saraf (11), (12).
5. Boleh Menurunkan Berat Badan
Terung mempunyai kandungan air yang tinggi dan rendah kalori. Ini menjadikannya sesuai untuk orang yang ingin mengurangkan berat badan. Tekstur spongy sayur memudahkan ciri-ciri ini.
Oleh itu, anda mesti mengambil terung dalam bentuk semula jadi sebanyak mungkin. Sayuran juga mempunyai kandungan serat yang tinggi. Serat membuat anda kenyang dan dapat membantu mengurangkan berat badan (13).
6. Boleh Menggalakkan Kesihatan Mata
Terung kaya dengan lutein (14). Antioksidan dapat mencegah degenerasi makula yang berkaitan dengan usia, yang merupakan penyebab utama kebutaan dan gangguan penglihatan (15). Lebih banyak penyelidikan jangka panjang diperlukan untuk memahami potensi kesan pelindung penglihatan terung pada manusia.
7. Boleh Meningkatkan Kesihatan Tulang
Terung dapat membantu meningkatkan kepadatan mineral tulang dan mengurangkan risiko osteoporosis (16). Sayuran ini mengandungi nutrien seperti kalsium, magnesium, dan kalium yang membantu meningkatkan kekuatan tulang (16), (17).
8. Boleh Membantu Mengubati Anemia
Dunia telah menyaksikan lonjakan jumlah penderita anemia yang luar biasa sejak dua dekad yang lalu. Menurut WHO, 1,62 bilion orang hari ini terkena anemia (18).
Kekurangan zat besi adalah salah satu penyebab utama anemia, yang mempunyai gejala seperti sakit kepala, kelemahan, dan kesukaran untuk berkonsentrasi (19). Oleh itu, doktor mencadangkan diet kaya zat besi untuk memerangi anemia.
Terung mengandungi sekitar 0.2 mg zat besi per 100 gram. Sayuran pemakanan ini juga kaya dengan tembaga (kira-kira 0.173 mg dalam 100 gram) (17). Kedua-dua mineral ini bekerja sama dengan berkesan untuk membantu pengeluaran dan pengedaran RBC yang betul, sehingga meningkatkan tahap tenaga dan hemoglobin (20).
9. Boleh Mencegah Kecacatan Kelahiran
Terung mengandungi asid folik yang penting untuk wanita hamil (21). Pengambilan makanan kaya asid folik dapat membantu mencegah kecacatan kelahiran. Kekurangan folat menyebabkan kelainan pada ibu dan janin (22).
10. Boleh Meningkatkan Kesihatan Kulit
Terung kaya dengan vitamin, mineral, antosianin (sebatian tumbuhan semula jadi), dan antioksidan. Bukti anekdot menunjukkan bahawa ini dapat membantu meningkatkan cahaya kulit dan membantu melambatkan penuaan. Walau bagaimanapun, tidak ada bukti saintifik untuk membuktikan tuntutan ini.
Sekarang mari kita lihat maklumat pemakanan terung.
Fakta Pemakanan Terung
Terung kaya dengan kalsium, zat besi, magnesium dan beberapa nutrien penting lain yang membantu berfungsi dengan baik badan anda. Menurut Jabatan Pertanian Amerika Syarikat (USDA), 1 cawan (atau 82 gms) terung mengandungi (17):
- Tenaga: 20.5 kcal
- Air: 75.7 g
- Protein: 0.8 g
- Karbohidrat: 4.82 g
- Serat: 2.46 g
- Besi: 0.189 g
- Folat: 18 μg
- Mangan: 0.19 mg
- Kalium: 188 mg
- Vitamin K: 2.87 μg
Eggplant also contains polyphenolic compounds, phytonutrients like nausinin and chlorogenic acid, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins B6 and E, and minerals.
Including eggplant in your diet is easy. In the following sections we have discussed how to prepare and add it to your diet.
What Is The Best Way To Prepare An Eggplant?
Eggplants have smooth, glossy skin and are purple. They have a slightly bitter taste. Soaking an eggplant in salt will draw out the moisture and also the compounds that contribute to the bitter taste. Also, this process will reduce oil absorption during cooking.
To do this:
- Always use a stainless steel knife to cut an eggplant. Carbon steel can react with the nutrients present in the eggplant and make the vegetable go black.
- Have the eggplant with its skin to enjoy complete nutrition.
- Cut the eggplant into the required size and shape. Sprinkle some salt over it and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. This will reduce its water content and make it absorb less oil while cooking.
- Salting eggplants will also help reduce their bitter taste to some extent. Rinse eggplants after you have salted them. This will help remove the excess salt from them.
- If you choose to bake the eggplant as a whole, make sure you pierce a lot of small holes on the skin with a fork. This will help the steam to pass through and escape. After baking, pass a knife through the eggplant. If it passes through easily, it is ready to be eaten.
Eggplants are a healthy addition to your daily diet, and you can prepare many dishes with them. In the following section, we have included a few recipes.
1. Crispy Baked Eggplant
- 2 pounds of small to medium-sized eggplant
- Olive oil, for baking sheets
- 2 large eggs
- 1/2 teaspoon each of kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
- 3/4 cup of finely grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 teaspoon of dried Italian seasoning
- 3/4 cup of plain panko breadcrumbs
- Marinara sauce for dipping (optional)
- Preheat the oven to 375o Coat a baking sheet with oil. Set aside.
- Whisk the eggs and a tablespoon of water in a shallow bowl.
- ombine the panko or Rice Chex crumbs, parmesan, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper in another bowl.
- Cut the eggplants into thick rounds.
- Dip the eggplant slices in the egg mixture, letting the excess drip off.
- Dredge the dipped slices in the Parmesan mixture, pushing down gently to coat well.
- Transfer the coated slices to the baking sheet.
- Bake until golden brown on the bottom, for 17-20 minutes.
- Flip the slices and continue baking until lightly browned on the other side but still slightly firm for about 10 minutes more.
Remove from the oven and serve as is or with a side of marinara sauce for dipping.
2. Eggplant Spirals With Greek Yogurt, Tomatoes, And Cucumber Recipe
For The Filling
- 1 1/2 cups of Greek yogurt
- 1/2 cup of finely grated feta cheese
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon of finely minced fresh mint
- 1 tablespoon of fresh juice from 1 lemon
- 1 teaspoon of minced garlic (about 1 medium clove)
- 1 tablespoon of finely minced fresh oregano
- 1 teaspoon of finely minced fresh dill
For The Eggplant Rolls
- 3 Roma tomatoes stemmed, cored, and cut into 1/4-inch dice
- 2 large eggplants, ends trimmed and cut lengthwise into 1/4-inch slices
- 1 English cucumber, seeded and cut into 1/4-inch dice
- 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
For The Filling
- Whisk the yogurt, feta, lemon juice, oregano, mint, dill, and garlic in a medium bowl.
- Season with salt and pepper.
For The Eggplant Rolls
- Set the cooking grate in place, cover the grill, and allow to preheat for 5 minutes.
- Clean and oil the grilling grate. Brush the eggplant slices with oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill the eggplant until browned on both sides, 2-3 minutes per side.
- Transfer to a large tray or cutting board and let it cool for 3-5 minutes.
- Spread a layer of filling over each eggplant slice and top each with a single layer of tomatoes and cucumber.
- Roll the eggplant slices into spirals and serve.
Apart from these recipes, there are other ways to eat eggplants.
Ways To Eat Eggplant
- Oven-baked Eggplant Fries : Slice the eggplant into strips or wedges, add a breadcrumb spiced coating, and then bake them for a crunchy taste.
- Eggplant Pizza Crust : Replace pizza crust with sliced eggplant and add tomato sauce, cheese, and other toppings for a gluten-free, low-calorie treat.
- Eggplant Pasta Topping : Cut the eggplant into thick slices, then bake or sauté them and add the strips to a pasta dish. Top the slices with Parmesan cheese to make eggplant Parmesan. Although most of us think of the grilled eggplants when it comes to Italian cuisine, a Sicilian pasta dish called Pasta Alla Norma is made with eggplants.
- In Curries : The fleshy eggplants are a great addition to almost any curry, making it far more delicious. You can dice up the eggplant and add it to a chicken or fish curry. It also is ideal for a vegetable curry.
- Burger Garnish : Cut the eggplant lengthwise into thick slices and grill them. Serve them alone or in a burger.
- Roast : This is one of the easiest and delicious ways to cook eggplant. All that is required is a hot oven, a few drops of olive oil, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper to transform the eggplant into a rich, soft, and creamy treat.
Though eggplants are delicious vegetables with an important nutritional profile, you need to practice caution. They may cause adverse effects in some individuals.
Are There Any Risks?
Eggplants have a few risk factors associated with them. Excess consumption of eggplant may lead to side effects, such as allergies, solanine poisoning, and oxalate kidney stones.
- May Cause Allergies
Eggplants belong to the nightshade family of vegetables that are associated with allergic reactions.
In very rare cases, they may cause allergic reactions in some people due to a specific lipid transfer protein (23). The symptoms include difficulty in breathing, swelling, and hives. In rare cases, eggplant may also cause anaphylaxis (a hypersensitive condition). If you experience any allergic reactions, stop eating eggplant and consult a doctor.
Insufficient Information For
- May Disrupt Iron Absorption
Nasunin is an anthocyanin in eggplant peels that binds with iron and removes it from cells. In other words, it chelates iron (24). It may reduce iron absorption. Though more research is warranted in this regard, it is better if people with low iron levels avoid eggplants.
- May Cause Solanine Poisoning
Solanine is the natural toxin found in eggplants. Excess intake of eggplants may cause vomiting, nausea, and drowsiness (25).
Consuming eggplants in low-to-moderate levels may not cause any harm. However, consult a health care professional in case of any emergency.
- May Increase Risk Of Kidney Stones
Eggplants contain oxalates, which may increase the risk of kidney stones in some people. However, there is insufficient data available. If you have a risk of kidney stones, stop use and consult your doctor.
Eggplants are rich in several essential nutrients with many potential health benefits. They may help promote heart health, control blood sugar levels, help reduce cancer risk and aid weight loss.
Adding eggplant to your daily diet is a healthy idea. However, a few risks are associated with the consumption of this vegetable. Consult a doctor in case you experience any adverse effects.
Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
Is eggplant a superfood?
Eggplant is considered a superfood because of its high nutritious value. This high-fiber and low-calorie vegetable contains all essential nutrients and minerals and is used to treat many ailments. It is an ideal addition to your daily diet.
Should eggplant be peeled?
A young and tender eggplant does not have to be peeled. If the vegetable is more mature, however, you can peel it to avoid its bitter taste.
Is it OK to eat eggplant every day?
You may eat eggplant every day. It is said to possess many nutrients and has several potential health benefits. However, individuals with a sensitive stomach should avoid taking it daily.
Can you drink eggplant water?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that drinking eggplant water has many health benefits. It may possess anti-inflammatory and laxative properties. Eggplant water may help detoxify the body and improve blood flow. However, limited research is available to support this claim.
Should I refrigerate eggplant?
Yes, you should refrigerate eggplant. This vegetable cannot stay fresh if stored for long periods at room temperature. If you don’t want to eat eggplants within 2 days, store them in the refrigerator.
Is fried eggplant good for you?
Eggplant is low in calories. But deep-fried eggplant can contain more oil and may not be as healthy.
Is eggplant good for an ulcer?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that eggplant is good for ulcers. However, very little information is available in this aspect.
Is pickled eggplant good for you?
Pickled eggplant has low cholesterol and saturated fat. Hence, it is considered good for health. However, high sodium levels in pickled eggplant may be bad for health.
How many calories are in a cup of cooked eggplant?
One cup of cooked eggplant (101 g) provides 73.7 kcal of energy (26).
26 sources
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